Junrui Liu

I am a fourth-year Computer Science PhD student at UC Santa Barbara, advised by Professor Yu Feng. I am interested in all things related to programming languages, especially in verification and synthesis.

I received my undergraduate degree from Vassar College, and my M.S. from Yale University.

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Publications & Manuscripts

(+ means equal contribution)

Refinement Types for Visualization

Jingtao Xia + Junrui Liu, Nicholas Brown, Yanju Chen, Yu Feng

Certifying Zero-Knowledge Circuits with Refinement Types

Junrui Liu, Ian Kretz, Hanzhi Liu, Bryan Tan, Jonathan Wang, Yi Sun, Luke Pearson, Anders Miltner, Isil Dillig, Yu Feng

Conflict-Driven Synthesis for Layout Engines

Junrui Liu, Yanju Chen, Eric Atkinson, Yu Feng, Rastislav Bodik

Learning Contract Invariants Using Reinforcement Learning

Junrui Liu + Yanju Chen, Bryan Tan, Isil Dillig, Yu Feng

Tree Traversal Synthesis Using Domain-Specific Symbolic Compilation

Yanju Chen, Junrui Liu, Yu Feng, Rastislav Bodik

A Study of HTTP/2's Server Push Performance Potential

Rui Meireles, Junrui Liu, Peter Steenkiste
arXiv manuscript




Teaching assistant

Talks & Tutorials

  • Polymorphism, Curry-Howard, and Program Verification (guest lecture for CS162 @ UCSB)
  • Formal Verification for Zero-Knowledge Proofs (Applied ZK Workshop @ SBC'22)
  • Introduction to Interactive Theorem Proving in Coq (0xPARC Summer Residency 2022)
  • Refinement Types and Program Verification (guest lecture for CS162 @ UCSB)


I enjoy playing music, and am currently studying the carillon with Wesley Arai. Previously, I studied organ with Gail Archer.

Random stuff: Solver-Aided Chorale Composition (poster)

I'm a moderate weeb and speak Japanese (not jyozu). I enjoy watching owarai and anime, listening to radio, and reading Murakami.

Design and source code from [1] and [2]